HSUAN - Wellness Product

Léa Morgane - Happiest when I’m with you - Music video

Alexandre Gaumond for The eye of tiger Management - Fitness

Fondation Canadian Tire - Summer Camp Commercial

Purcèdres - Construction & Landscaping

Unchained - Elie Andy x Alphashape

Himalaya starring Veronica Rocket - Costume Designer and Performer

RIO - Short Emotion & Artist

Steven Butler for The eye of the tiger management - Fitness

Shawn & Sabrina - Engagement

John Scotti Lamborghini Montreal - Automotive

Formatt Hitech - Product

Zenhouse 3 - Cabin & Real estate

Moody Ride - Automotive

Zenhouse 2 - Cabin & Real estate

Souvlaki Authentique - Restaurant

Auberge Lac des sables - 4 @ 7 Event

Uppercuts - Barbershop

ShapeShifters USA - Fitness

Olch Cabin - Cabin & Real estate

AuBureau.co - Real estate

Chateau Nadia - Wedding